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Learning Objectives of the Online Course

Once participants have successfully completed this course, they will be able to:
1. Understand how dangerous goods are classified, and are identified while being transported.
2. Understand the responsibilities of shippers, carriers and receivers.
3. Understand driver's duties and responsibilities for carrying dangerous goods and to follow driver guidelines, should an incident occur.
4. Understand additional knowledge required when handling more than one shipment of dangerous goods, when handling dangerous goods in bulk, when exchanging dangerous goods with another carrier, or when transporting dangerous goods between Canada and the US. Please note this is an optional module.
5. Identify those situations when, although dangerous goods are being transported, the Regulations do not apply. Drivers will also understand specific knowledge required when handling specific classes of dangerous goods.
6. Use reference Information, including the Schedules from the Regulations, and the Emergency Response Guide.

How easy is it to take the course?

Very easy! If you can view the Internet then you can use the course. It is a simple "point and click" program and follows the learning model:
  1. Tell Me
  2. Show Me
  3. Let me Try

For someone who has had previous experience of dangerous goods training, the course will take up to 4 hours to complete. For someone who is new to the subject, the course will take up to 6 hours to complete. Users are given 1 month to complete the course. Since most people don't have the time to take a course all in one sitting, the program bookmarks where a trainee has left off and then returns them to that point when they resume their training.

There are quizzes to assist learning throughout the program. At the end of the course is Master Test of 40 questions, which covers all the material presented in the course. The Master Test results are recorded and compiled in a "Report Card" which the user can then take to their employer showing that they have completed the course and their score. Only the employer can issue a training certificate.

What does the Course Cover?

This section sets out the learning objectives, the course design flow and an overview of the course. It will act as a “road map” for you.

This Training Module Flow Chart can be accessed for reference purposes at any time during the course by clicking on the tab “Help”.

This module provides a basic understanding of the TDG Regulations. Sections explain how dangerous goods are classified, and the requirements for identification during handling and transport.

The module includes a quiz to assist comprehension. The answers are scored but are not recorded, and do not count towards your final score.

This module describes the specific responsibilities of all persons involved in the handling and transportation of dangerous goods including consignors and consignees, carriers, and drivers.

The duties and responsibilities of drivers are described, starting before pick up of a consignment and continuing through to the delivery of that consignment. Additional requirements for dealing with incidents are also outlined as well as training requirements.

The module includes a quiz to assist comprehension. The answers are scored but are not recorded, and do not count towards your final score.

This module provides additional information to drivers on issues related to particular types of movements such as when handling more than one consignment of dangerous goods, handling dangerous goods in bulk, exchanging dangerous goods with another carrier and when transporting dangerous goods between Canada and the United States.

Participants can select specific information in this module that they need to know.

The module includes a quiz to assist comprehension. The answers are scored but are not recorded, and do not count towards your final score.

This module provides information for drivers on particular dangerous goods having additional requirements.

This module consists of the Schedules that identify all dangerous goods and detail the applicable requirements for each one. Also included are Appendices, a Driver’s Reference chart, and Reporting Quantities.

This section contains the Master Test questions that cover the entire content from each module covered in the course. Questions are randomly drawn from a database of questions. All questions can only be answered once. Each question is scored.

This section will give you your Master Test score.